The Woodlands Hospital offers a variety of professional services. These include:
Accident and Emergency |
24-hour service providing emergency care for adults and children |
Registration |
This department provides support services to all hospital departments as well as registration of births and deaths. |
Catering |
Woodlands Cafeteria provides catering services for the Hospital |
Children’s services (Pediatrics) |
Whether your child is an outpatient, inpatient or at home, we endeavour to provide them with the very best healthcare. If your child is admitted to an inpatient ward we will ensure their stay is as short and anxiety-free as possible. |
Finance |
Finance Department for the hospital. |
Gynecology - general gynecology |
General gynecology service. |
Human Resources (HR) | The HR department is responsible for the recruitment and retention of all staff. |
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) / High Dependency Unit (HDU) |
The unit supports acutely unwell patients requiring organ support through methods such as ventilation, haemofiltration, cardiovascular support plus invasive monitoring. |
Laboratory |
Our Laboratory is nationally (GY170:2003) certified and provides accurate and reliable blood testing services for patients who have been asked to have their blood taken by their GP, or following an Outpatient appointment at Woodlands Hospital. |
Maternity |
The Maternity Department provides care throughout the antenatal period, during labour and birth and postnatal. |
Orthopedics |
All general orthopedics conditions are treated (excluding spines). The services offer the following sub specialties: hip surgery, knee surgery, upper limb surgery, foot and ankle surgery and hand surgery. |
Pharmacy |
Provides dispensing services to all wards and departments as well as to patients who are sent home and out-patients. |
Radiology |
Diagnostic imaging including X-rays, ultrasound, Breast imaging/Mammography, CT Scan, C-Arm and Echocardiography. |
Theatres and Anesthetics |
We have two theatres all with a dedicated anesthetic room as well as a separate, eight bed recovery room. Specialties include general surgery, gynecology, urology, orthopedics, trauma, maxillo-facial, ear, nose and throat and obstetrics |
Why choose Woodlands?
Woodlands offers a wide range of services all carried out by some of the most corteous and professional staff... Read more...
Clinical Staff
Clinical Staff offers more information on key clinical staff including their specialty, interests and contact details.
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